Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Make Your Day At The Office A Healthy One With These Tips

Make Your Day At The Office A Healthy One With These Tips Image courtesy of Flickr.com Those of us with busy careers rarely have time to fit in a healthy lifestyle too. It can be easy to skip a meal or grab something convenient from the street vendor. This can lead to rapid weight gain. With no time to exercise, it is all too easy to lose our figures. So what can we do about it when we are in the office for long hours every day? Despite an early start, it is essential you start the day right. Breakfast will kick start your metabolism and reduce your reliance on espressos later in the day. Get up thirty minutes earlier, even if it’s still dark. A bowl of whole grain cereal with a glass of milk can get you going in no time. That extra thirty minutes may even give you a chance to walk to the corner shop and grab a newspaper! Now you’ve started the day right, you can use your time at the office to keep your body moving. Raise your chair a little so your feet are no longer planted on the ground. Now you have the space to wiggle those feet about. You can tone your calves and improve the flexibility of your ankles with simple turns. To get your feet back on the floor, perch on the edge of the chair. Now keep your back perfectly straight to improve your posture. You can now march your feet, raising your knees until they touch the desk. This little movement keeps the circulation flowing in your legs and burns off calories. There is usually no time for lunch at the office. This isn’t the worst meal to skip, but it does mean you can be running light on important nutrients for your body. When you’re trying to lose weight, a lack of nutrition means you’re unlikely to succeed. You can buy Lipoden or other weight loss support systems to ensure you have the best chance at getting that body shape back. In an office environment, there are plenty of ways to increase your physical activity. Stand up during meetings, and always take the stairs. Drink more water so you have to pop to the bathroom more frequently. If you’re waiting for something, do a circuit of the floor until it is ready. Make it a habit of speaking to people in person, even if you still have to back up the information in an email. Why not catch up on your emails on a mobile device while you take a walk around the grounds? Take lunch in with you each day, to include a couple of pieces of fruit. Even if you can’t get away from your desk, it keeps your metabolism going to eat something at lunch. When you get home after a tiring day, it can be tempting to order in. Skipping the meal isn’t really an option as it could prevent you from sleeping well. Why not batch cook on the weekend? You can freeze and then reheat a healthy home-cooked meal. Try not to veg in front of the TV for longer than half an hour before bed. Use the rest of the time to take a walk or do some home Yoga. Sleep well, and repeat tomorrow.

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